Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Power of Beliefs: Shaping a Life of Purpose

Albert Einstein once said, "It is not the skeleton and muscle system that keeps a person upright, but their beliefs and principles." This quote suggests that the health of our soul is as important as the health of our body. Imagine a tree; the deeper its roots, the more firmly it stands in the wind. Similarly, a person's beliefs and values are the roots that sustain them in life. 🌳

One day, a young dervish was walking through the forest. As he wandered among the trees, a particular tree caught his eye. This tree swayed in the wind but never fell. Curious, he asked, "Oh tree, why do you stand so strong?" The tree smiled and replied, "My roots are deep, and my beliefs are firm. No matter how fierce the wind, I stand tall." This story illustrates the importance of beliefs and principles in our lives.
In Mevlana's Masnavi, a similar idea is expressed. He states that a person's inner strength comes from their beliefs. Beliefs are a guiding light that keeps people standing during difficult times. Similarly, in Ibn Khaldun's Muqaddimah, it is emphasized that for a society to be strong, individuals must have firm beliefs. If a society loses its beliefs, it weakens and collapses (Ibn Khaldun, 2020).

This Sunday, let's take the opportunity to review and strengthen our beliefs. Let's remember that true strength lies not in our bodies but in our beliefs and principles. 🌼

References 📚

Einstein, A. (2021, August 4). Albert Einstein Quotes: 1–30 of 494 Quotes. QuotesCosmos. Retrieved from
Ibn Khaldun. (2020). Muqaddimah. (Trans. A. A. Çetin). İstanbul: Yeditepe Yayınevi.
Mevlana. (2006). Masnavi. (Trans. A. A. Çetin). İstanbul: İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.

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