Sunday, November 3, 2024

Comprehensive Course Resources in Disaster Journalism, Geophysics, and Seismology

Explore a comprehensive collection of courses and resources designed for those interested in disaster management, geophysics, seismology, and related fields. Click on each course to delve into fundamental principles, advanced concepts, and applied studies.

  1. Afet Haberciliği (Disaster Journalism)

  2. Afet Yönetimi Temel İlkeleri (Basic Principles of Disaster Management)

  3. Elastik Dalga Yayınımı (Elastic Wave Propagation)

  4. Genel Jeofizik (General Geophysics)

  5. Geophysical Exploration

  6. Global Sismoloji (Global Seismology)

  7. Gravimetri (Gravimetry)

  8. Hastanelerde Deprem Riskinin Azaltılması (Earthquake Risk Reduction for Hospitals)

  9. Hastanelerin Depreme Hazırlanması (Preparing Hospitals for Earthquakes)

  10. İleri Sismoloji (Advanced Seismology)

  11. Introduction to Seismology

  12. İstatistiksel Sismoloji (Statistical Seismology)

  13. Seminar

  14. Senior Project

  15. Sismotektonik (Seismotectonics)

  16. Solid Earth Geophysics

  17. Special Topics

  18. Yansıma Sismolojisi (Reflection Seismology)

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February 18, 2025 - Day 2 Travel Notes

General Impressions Yesterday, we visited the ancient city of Petra . Petra was founded by the Nabataean Kingdom in the 1st century BCE an...